Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lunch Lady Is In The House!

Okay...my first post as the Lunch Lady.  Let's see if I actually have something worth saying...

As a stay at home and homeschooling mom, one of my least enjoyable tasks is planning lunches.  If my kids would eat PB&J, this would be no problem.  However, Lunch Lady has kids who don't care for regular old sandwiches.  Lunch Lady's kids would rather eat healthy lunches.  And Lunch Lady prefers they eat healty lunches. That are quick to fix.  And that don't require tons of prepping.

Thus I bring you the Lunch Lady Village.  I encourage you all to participate with your ideas and input!  We can all learn something from each other and make our Mom journey a little more enjoyable.

I will try to post regularly on healthy, quick and easy lunch ideas.

I will now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your creating order and making me a better lunchlady in my own house! Hugs!
